1T10'06 2T10'07
Friday, April 28, 2006
Rant on Randoms, again
-Marks & Spensor
-Art of Seduction
-history tutorial with BenTan
-gold watch
-Sweet ol' class of Mine
-that fateful day
-calimari rings
-KAP macs
-Karo spastic lyn
-Is exalt spelt with A or X?
-I swear, TBS is gay.
-so are colin&kero
-Breakfast at Tiffany's
-boris (:
I'll pull through.
Because I'm worth it.
& I'm lovin' it
Monday, April 24, 2006
Drink Champagne with Salmon
2 reasons why I'm unhappy:
01> I'm growning FAT
02> I'm frikin poor
Thank God for May's arrival in 6 days time.
May these six days breeze through like 6 seconds please(:
Boring Boris pudding and pie, kissed a girl and made her cry. When his boys came out to play, Boring Boris ran away. Haha.
& I'm lovin' it
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Classic ronmance in Varsity land
He's almost perfect. We can't call ourselves attached. We can't say we're just friends. We're just like this-
Imagine having a spectrum of ice-cream flavours laid for you. The ice-cream is so desirable, so creamy, so rich, its almost the perfect ice-cream on earth. Yet, its not called ice-cream. Gelato, maybe?
There's just something about him. Maybe that unmatchable charm, that witty-type sacarsm, that sensitive intuition, that attractable physique? Just can't get a hold on what about him that sinks himself deeper into my heart each day.
Nobody ever loved me better, I'm gonna stickwitu forever,
nobody's gonna take me higher, I'm gonna stickwitu.
Nobody ever appretiates me, I'm gonna stickwitu my baby,
nobody ever made me feel this way, I'm gonna stickwitu (:
& I'm lovin' it
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Love makes the world go round
I LOVE T8:01 [Clarice, Atee, Chenpei, Atmanja, Alvan, Momoja, Victor, Paula Abdul, Cristian, Mathieu, Anirudh, Mok, Weikann, Daniel and Boris] BECAUSE OF EVERY AND ANY REASON THERE IS TO FIND.

T8, reunited (:

Cristian, Paula, Mat, Vict and Momoja. Cristian hair is so frickin long!

The SJIs always have to calafair.

Nothing beats the classics. OOOOOOOOO[6]!

My favourite T8 bouncer/ruggers.

Alvan must always BE different from the rest. But can you even see momoja?

Our boyfriend-girlfriend forever!
Dig this,
Varsity blues > myself
cristian > Cristian.
cristian says:
haha it was real good seeing all you guys today man!
Varsity blues says:
Varsity blues says:
cristian says:
hahaha MOK still the same
Varsity blues says:
Varsity blues says:
cristian says:
haha did you hear
Varsity blues says:
cristian says:
on the way to the MRT we were talking about clarice's uniform cos its nice...
cristian says:
then mok said..
cristian says:
ya makes you look like a japanese school girl
what the fu k right??
haha, what I said. I LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE T8:01
XOXO curly wurly.
Boris is soooo sweet. You won't know Him until you see him through my eyes. I'm glad he's in my life and that I'm in his.
& I'm lovin' it
Monday, April 17, 2006
Varsity Blues
Get it right, work it!
Iron your curly hair straight. Lay your fake lashes on the table. Clear the blusher and bronzer stains off your face. Strip your fancy skirts and low-back shirts. The party's over. Haven't come sober yet. Just give time.
Black is the new Gold, or is Gold the new Black. The sun rises from the West, sets in the East. Friday nights are forever, Saturday was yesterday's news. People are fine-dining in snickers, jogging in heels. The poor are shopping designers, the rich at market bazzars. Hit town in heels & skirts & sweet accessories, or just in uniform & nothing else. Mountains out of molehills, or molehills reduced from mountains. Unlock a heart, then lock it in again. Springtime for Hitler, Shakespear spells winter. Guys take the lead, propose the step, ladies take the lead, decision to follow to trust. Gold is the new Black, or was Black the new Gold.
Say a bed-side prayer. Sink into slumber. Haven't come sober yet. Don't want to come sober yet. Trying hard to play not to work. Two years go in a flash, two years feel like dragging a truck. Pick a lifestyle genre. Rock to the choice. Kick Ass.
& I'm lovin' it
My imperfections are Perfect
why don't you hit
rewind < <
And stop, then play.
Just at that moment,
our moment,
stay on pause___
Forever (:
Fuck that. I don't even know, don't even have a clue of the shit thats going through. School's draining my energy out. I'm trying hard to play, not dig my heads into them books. Friendship never comes easy, even when it throws itself at you. You first think you made a friend, but in fact, its the cliche backstabbing routine. Definitely, there's bound to be ups and downs in one's life. And entering a JC isn't making it a smoother sailing path. Can't even take a chill pill. Can't even sleep with nothing in my head. The whole world seems like its revolving at an acceleration, leaving you stranded, trying to catch up. I still need time to think through alot of committments. But time and tide waits for no man. So I have to chopchop. But I cannot fucking chopchop with all the shit still happening and not getting a grasp of the kind of lifestlye that I'd be having permanantly. Who am I kidding?
Just let me scream in my own way. Fuck off from me. Don't cling on to me, I can't breathe. Don't ignore me, I can't breathe. Don't play games with me. Don't say I'm cute. You can laugh at me, cry for me, whatever.
Just let me be me.
& I'm lovin' it
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Very long since I randomed (:
Saga seeds
Long hair
Purselyn (:
Mindy's blog?
Lucious lips
Karolyn Gan
Watermelon full of seeds
Dreadful school tomorrow
Smurf canteen
Polka dots
Clement at the BBQ at eastcoast
Yeah, that about sums up the wierdest stuff my mind thinks of. Nothing of Boris, really (:
& I'm lovin' it
Friday, April 14, 2006
I have to fes' up. Ever since we took a time out, You've been appearing in my dreams. And sometimes, they aren't pleasant although sometimes the are pleasing. And yesterday was a sad one. I dreamt that You and I were like what we are still, only you started smoking. And I hated it. Remember how we had that talk about You not smoking? Yeah. Other dreams like You hanging around another girl like now I used to hang to be the only girl hanging around You. But there were nice ones like back to Orientation 02 when You still had longer hair.
I guess I'm conmfortable with this pace now and its getting too comfortable. So thats why we have to pick up the pace a lil'. Just a wee bit. I just can't stop thinking of You. I think You can feel it too. When I message You, even if it's those not replyable messages, I do want like a simple one back too. But its OK, I understand and I'm used to it too. I hope You're having a whack time now. Cos' I just did just now at the beach till it started storming. Haha, and You were on my mind (:
I'm still waiting. And I'll still wait.
Boris, You got me easy.
& I'm lovin' it
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Its My Birthday (:
I'm not being discreet about it. Yet I'm also not using a loud hailer to announce to the whole world. And I'm thankful for all the people who remembered and those who will remember soon enough. These people especially >
-Marcus my finally grown up Brother
-Mommy Amanda
-Daddy Ben
-Jie Jacinta my favourite coussie since 17 years back
-Aunty Edita, maid from 16 years ago
-Plenty & Bounty my precious doggies
> Thanks for stickin with me through my tsunami times.
-Jerdy baby, girl who's 15mins older than me
-Sherri Anne Bernadette Choo Hui Yi, my kindergarten bestie till now
-HuiZhen, ever ready to suan me, but I know still loves me to bits
-Mindy Icecream Ng, fellow fairsian smurf who's paintin her class red
-Lim Tse Min, never ending comments like a river of water
-Nessie Loh, sexy thing who was first to wish me happy bday today
> Love my Perfect 7. You guys will stay rooted in my mind forever. Thanks for all your presents and wishes, and of course that Clique party at Zhenny's that day. Loves!
-Karolyn Gan Jia Yi
-Momohan, love guru
-Natalina Chan
-Jocelyn Tan
-Wilbert Soolabert
-Mojo Tan
-Sarah Anne Rod
-Darren Wong Bick Guan
-Gary Chia
>Thanks for keeping me on your mind on this day.
Catholic Smurfs
-My dear class 1T10 [Claire, Eileen, Goldie, Natasha, Priscilla, Amanda, Priyanca, Cleo, Benjylim, Alvin, Gene, Cheetow, Brendan, Noah, Edward, Buns, Weiloong, Ivan, Songyao and Boris(:], whom I just got to know only less than a month back but bought me a birthday cake and not only suprised me but also touched me deeply
-Goldie, for that letter and the cash
-Ivan, Priyanca and Amanda, for that oh so desirable watch!
-Amanda Tee my rocker chick of forever for my favourite CHOCOLATE. And it was SWISS LIQOUR CHOCOLATE! The premium.
-Alvan Moses Victor Weikann Mathieu who sang me a birthday song when I just popped at their class to offer brownies and constantly wished me happy birthday at the sight of me
-Sharmaine deary who cares so much for me
-CJC choirsters [Andrea, Cheryl, Cheryn, Celine, Isabel, Janis, Marcus, Qibin, Junhoe, etcetcetc and the seniors too] who fling their bling of 0607 who got me that pretty pretty cross and sang me my song
-Perry Koh
-Kim Huang
-Sam Han
-Ms Hillary Moh, who thought that nat was me and wished her happy bday instead
-Chinese lao shi
-Mindy's friend
-Mr Lim my bullyable form teacher who's kinda funneh at times
-Isabel Ditsey Nadia Wong!!!!! Nuff said.
-Boris Choy the guy who changed my life and is still changing it
> Thank all you people for your wishes and gifts esp my class! Love you all and hope my bday wish holds true. Thanks for the presents for those who gave me presents and I really appreciate you guys remembering this day. I'm deeply touched and I will remember yours too.
All else
-Pursey Poooooooooo!! Love of my Life!!
-Timothy Huang of my Primary school who never fails to wish me every year
-Ang Junting
- LAST BUT NOT THE LEAST AT ALL, My one true Savior my one true love. God. He knows what I'm grateful and thankful for. He knows what I want to say. We have our special language.
And to these people, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOO!
If I forgot anyone, or anything, I'm sorry. Didn't mean to. Loves still
& I'm lovin' it
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Just like an Angel, You're gonna make me Fly
Slow and steady wins the race
I'm feeling glad now. Although I really hope that He gets me something for tomorrow, I'd totally understand if he didn't. Simply because he didn't want me to hit the wrong vibe. Its these lil' gestures that make things like this worth while. Worth a long while in fact. Gosh, I can't believe that all this time I've been thinking that I'm the one taking all the initiative and shit. But actually, He's been the smart strategic one playing like a pro. Slowly manoevering here and there at times, He's a real keeper. I just hope I don't spoil everything. He's just givin and puting in the right ingredients for this cake to look and taste beautiful from its base all the way to its icings.
Retribution picks up
Gene was talking about cutting my hair today. In the end, he got caught for his hair and got forced to spend a full $18 on it. Just fringe off a miserable inch? I mean like I spend $30 on four, five inches? Gosh. Retribution indeed.
Last time, I really didn't understand how people could forget its their birthdays when their birthdays really arrive. Now its happening to me. I've had to pause for a second or two for several times today to ponder when my friends dropped hints for tomorrow. Retribution indeed.
I got too nervous over the whole Boring situation that I built a mountain out of a molehill. Now I got my reprimendation. I didn't go for dinner. It was tiring but more importantly, we weren't ready. So yeah, retribution indeed.
I love Boris (:
& I'm lovin' it
Monday, April 10, 2006
We're already beautiful.
Your April Fever
Ok so Monday isn't the day yet. Things just twist and turn so vigourously. I was supposed to talk to Boris Choy today about Us. But I guess the reason why I wanted to talk to him so bad was just because I didn't know if he cared shit about me. But today he took the initiative to talk to me. And that made everything alright. Because he doesn't really talk to girls, so I know he was trying. And I'm glad that we converesed even if it was one word. It meant something. Things this week are taking a turnabout, although things had always been taking turnabouts. Our curve has many stationary points. I definitely hope its an increasing trend with fluctuations. But I have a feeling this week is going to be slightly better. Mean like, just had that feeling. Like that feeling I felt to return his feeling, when nobody saw anything. Like that feeling I felt today in chinese, its the special feeling that only two people share. It makes you feel hot, makes your heart race, makes everything worthwhile again. I certainly hope tomorrow will be better. Last time in the first intake, I woke up everyday excited to go to school because he'd be there. Even when I skipped school, I'd go back just to see him. Now, I wake up dreading to go to school, simply because I was sick of dealing with the problem. And he was part of the problem. But a part of me still feels happy, because I know for sure he's going to be there. Am I ready? If I'm still afraid to talk to him, am I ready yet? I should take half a step back. Maybe I'm building a mountain out of a molehill. Maybe its natural. But all I know is that I want us to be happy and comfortable. So thats why its worth the wait. All I can hope for now is for us to stay friends or even be friends. We're like strangers now and it'll be alright if we had nothing in the past. But the fact is that we did share an enjoyable past. So thats why I need to talk to him. Just to clear our barrier so we can continue to be friends. So we can take things slowly, and work towards what could be. If we'd pass through this we'd last for long. Many people say that, and I believe in that too. I never knew it would hurt this much, just like I never knew I'd be this faithful to this promise. I'm sorry if I did anything wrong in the past, but. Hey, Boris, one minute you make me feel so good, another you're leaving me out so cold. I'm catching the fever now. I'm catching Your April Fever.
Make this the last stationary point please. The last minimum point, to that too.
& I'm lovin' it
Saturday, April 08, 2006
The spaces between my fingers are for Yours to fill
The only medication to the healing of Lovesickness is Retail TherepyTested and ProvenBut it isn't a garuntee for complete effectiveness.
Remember, remember the 5th of November
This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is it vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished, as the once vital voice of the verisimilitude now venerates what they once vilified. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van-guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose vis-Ã -vis an introduction, and so it is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.
V for Vendetta Know its kinda late but its one of the movies to remember. Whether for its content or company, that was on of the Best shows.
I'll have to face the music one day. And Monday is the day. I don't know what the outcome will be, and I don't dare to think what the outcome will be. I just know we have to talk. I'm not ready to let go. I'm just prepared for the worst. I don't want to let go. All that happened between us, even for its short period, I'll give them all back to You if I have to.
Just like an angel, You're gonna make me fly
Into your arms You're wrapping me up so tight
You got me crawling so bad
Got me heels over head
You got me easy, you got me easy
Tangled up in my head
Quit trying to hold on to have me
Cos we're already Beautiful
So don't make me cry
Cos this love don't feel so right
You can push a river, You can make me fall
You can make me Unreachable
I may be sweet but I'm still on the vibe
You couldn't wait no, You had to take Your vibe
You got me crawling so bad
Got me heels over head
You had me easy, you had me easy
Too late to go back to realise what we had
We were already Beautiful
So don't make me cry
Cos this love don't feel so right
You can push a river, You can make me fall
You can make me Unreachable
Sometimes love is addiction
Sometimes it hurts like hell and
Sometimes you just can't get enough
You can make me love you
Anymore than I do
You can make me Unreachable
So don't make me cry
Cos this love don't so right
You can push a river, You can make me fall
You can make me Unreachable
I want you bad. And you're indecisiveness is eating me ALIVE. So don't make me wait anymore.
> I love Boris ):
& I'm lovin' it
Friday, April 07, 2006
Guess wallet
Topshop nautical-blue retro-inside rustygold-chained clutch
Converse all star
Forever21 penny&dime necklace
Cool &sexy black handphone
Fareast oriental earings
Maryjane's hot red polkadotted beachbag
Fareast vintage dress and belt
Take it back, take it all back now.
The things that I gave,
like the taste of my kiss on Your lips.
I miss that now.
I can't try any harder than I do.
All the reasons I gave, excuses I made for You.
Broken in two.
All the things left undiscovered
Leave me empty and left to wonder
I need You
All the things left undiscovered
Leave me waiting and left to wonder
I need You, I need You
Don't walk away.
Touch me now,
how I wanna feel something so real,
please remind me.
My love, take me back.
Cos I'm so in love, with what we were.
I'm not breathing, I'm suffocating without You.
Do you feel it too.
All the things left undiscovered
Leave me waiting and left to wonder
I need You
All the things left undiscovered
Leave me empty and left to wonder
I need You, I need You.
When I'm in the dark and all alone.
Dreaming that You'll walk right through my door.
Its then I'll know my heart is home.
There's a million reasons why I cry.
Hold my covers down and close my eyes.
Cos I don't wanna be alone.
All the things left undiscovered
Leave me waiting and left to wonder
I need You
All the things left undiscovered
Leave me empty and left to wonder
I need You, I need You.
Cos I can't fake, and I can't hate.
But it's my heart, that's about to break.
You're all I need, I'm on my knees.
Watch me bleed, won't you listen please.
I'm givin in, I breathe out.
I want you, there's no doupt.
I'm freaked out, I'm left out.
Without you, I'm without.
I'm crossed out, I'm kicked out.
I cried out, I reached out.
Don't walk away, don't walk away.
Dont walk away, dont walk away.
The last.
& I'm lovin' it
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Body over mind
So what if we're not officially together.
We cound be unofficially together.
No committments,
no promises.
Just spontanity.
Totally unpredictable.
Like diamond to gold,
My heart lies with you.
- Birkenstocks
- Paperpeople
- Guess wallet
- Topshop nautical colour rusty gold chained retro on the inside clutch
- Fareast Oriental earings
- Converse Allstar
- Zara crop shorts
VictorianNauticalOrientalVintageFloral just like Gold
& I'm lovin' it