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Thursday, December 01, 2005
stuck in total reverse

if you;d think back , all her yabberin' and chatterin' means nothing . now that she knows its not her . no , i know its not me . all along , its been him . his petty attidude and selfish personality . in total contrast with my ego-brought-down-because-of-him , my willing quiten down for his sake . now its over , and i dont bother , nor do i get affected , because now i understand . if mature means to hold grudges and never embrace what god gave me , then i;d rather not be mature , because human hearts is what makes miracles , not items or things . and as long as i have a human heart in me , i know that it doesnt matter if i am mature or not . i just want to be me . that me that has hidden so far back in that little corner of my mind . memories cannot be erased . they will stay etched on the littlest it can find . so i wont hesitate to keep whatever memories i had . just , it wont affect me as it did . thats all .

goodbye ; forever

& I'm lovin' it
