1T10'06 2T10'07
Monday, October 31, 2005
spanish guitar duet

a new comfort zone
now she knows when she is unhappy , she doesnt have to scream like no body;s business . now , she can make use of that useless useful sitting by her bed to play disco dancefloor beats to keep her moving and on the go . just like a make-believe club . now , she can just keep on clubbing everyday . lights switched off , music banging loud , WOAH ! its just her style .

god of wonders , really
YA! session yesterday was so fruitful . she feels like another person now . she doesnt worry of those bugging problems now . she can rely on him , whole heartedly . now when she thinks of that petty nobody , she feels worried no more . what she feels she doesnt know how to express , but she just knows its a good kind of feeling .

happy holloween
now that she;s found a new route home , she passes by all those posh houses at a corner . and this day , she sees little kids banging from door to door , trickatreating . what a happy sight . she thinks of her childhood . the times she was in those costumes asking for sweets too .

one week away from her big o;s and she is still shopping and gaming . this behaviour must stop ! and it must stop right away . she needs to dig into her books all day and get those cold hard facts into her head before its too late . the clock is ticking
! and she needs to step on oil , to accelarate .

& I'm lovin' it


Sunday, October 30, 2005
words of a sleepy self named know it all

she;s gone gaga
whoo ! shopping . one whole day of none stop action ! yeahh man (((((((: ohh ! he;s online now ! she feels like she;s on cloud nine ! she bought herself a thirtybucksfleshimptop , and a drink , and a strippywatch and a present for a dearmsditsy and she took neoprints and she bought a handphone thingthing and she bought a christian pop cd and she bought ..... what else did she buy ? BEATS ME !!! heehee , so thats all she bought , and she is yawning , ready to tuck her tummytrotting lookingfat self into that princessy nest of hers , mmmmmm the thought of that ever so longed beauty sleep sips into her mind , just as long as her hair dries off , she;s one two splash into that pool of dolphins and mermaids to swim with . its one two woooooosh , into that vast blue and white mesh oh nothing to float with the seagulls and swans . and ohh , whats this she hears ? the clock strikes thirteen . yes , a new day awaits ! a new day of empty hopefuls , because , this next day is a sunday ! and sunday brings new beginnings . she is going for mass on this next day . she is going to empty her weariness this next day , and start afresh , and wake up to a world which says nothing but - study , girl , study . exams are not too far away , in fact , exams are just around the corner . and you are the only one of your league to strut around town and shop till you drop . you are the only one who has the appetite to dig into dimsums and indulge a chocolate fondue of haagendaz , only you then shall do badly , and you shall fail . since you are not even putting in the negative numeric of what your classmates have been doing , have been working , have been worrying . and she will wake up , and smell a new day of trouble , a new day of anxiety , a new day of rush , and a new day of stress . she shall then seek refuge in her trustworthy companion , who has never left her side since the day she came to be . that same trustworthy companion , who will stay with her throught thick and thin , and carry her in major crisises . and she will promise him , she will do whats best for her whole body . regardless of mind , body , soul . and she will fufil what she had promised and reach the greater good that her facilitators of school had wished her be . and she would show her peers that she isnt just a good for nothing know it all . because its then that she has even surpassed her abilities . but now , all those seem like thousands of miles away in the real world , although it only seems a stone throw away in this far from familiar surroundings she is in now - the subconciousness of her mind . so now she bids fairwell . for she is to tuck into that inviting nest of rest . so now it is known that what she had been saying was coming out of a sleepy self named know it all . goodnight .

& I'm lovin' it


Saturday, October 29, 2005
attitude of a divadashing , smashing .

tears on her pillow
as the headings suggests , she cried herself to bed last night . its strange how fate twists , one minute its full of suprises , the other its just another mundane routine of yesterday . sometimes she wishes that she had listened to him , take him seriously . but then again , how could she when he didnt even treat her the same way . all out to poke fun at her , all out to seek comfort and pleasure at her pride;s disposal . and she let it happen , it was fun wasn;t it . at least she confirmed her status with them then . but nothing in this torturous world is as good as it seems . she;d burst one day , and they knew it was too much . but that renewed her friendship with them . and she was somewhat happy . but happy didnt last . all his logics that only stood for what it meant literally , lead her on to thinking that they were just the templated jokes out to spike her - again . she continued to do what she had been doing with those reasonable - to - a - certain - extent logics , just obeying them for a short while , then off to her own freestyle attitude again . guess she pushed the limit and formed a barrier in that . after that one blow , everything seemed ablur , she had always been the one waiting to reconcile , apologising , stepping up . countless times . maybe its a one-sided thing . maybe its always been her wishful thinking . she;d go out with them , hoping for that right time to come , for that eclipse to appear , for that split second that would seem like forever . to no avail . she should stop now . she really should . but its childish after a while . this kind of behaviour would be like what a primary school ammature would do , not what a mature secondary teenager would . so she;ll leave it as that , let fate play her . she is tired to play around with fate .

attitude of that lost diva
then she asks herself again , what happened to that smashing colourful she once knew . what happened to that dashing sexy she once was ? those were spoilt by a long term process , her sefl esteem crushed , not only by the lost of a precious unmentionable , but through her peers regardless of dover or clementi . and now she as to step up , to that once burning inferno . she;s gonna come back .

& I'm lovin' it


Friday, October 28, 2005
music sets her thinking

the past few days she has been finding excuses not to blog . but here she is now . her only motivation that got her fingers moving at the expense of her mind , was the power of song . its unique , how music can just set you on your feet , grooving it out . similarly , its wierd how music can set you weeping in one corner . and this girl gets affected by music , whether dull or bright , she can just switch from one extreme to the other just by the click of that reliable 'skip' button on her apple ipod nano . and yes , music does set her thinking of her lifes and its many splendours . and its more than many misfits . and this entry is evident of the somewhat claim stated above .

she has been burnt
tired of all life;s demands , she shuns away , again , from that figure that has been set ablur for months since march . she is fed up , no matter how much courage she manages to dig up from her guts even if she scrape its sides , no matter how many times she shoots hopeful glances and hints , or those uncontrollable twitches of her muscles right below her cheek . he just wouldnt budge . or at least , he sends the message to her that he wouldnt budge . so why ? she asks herself , why does she still want to cling on to this threatening cliff , one that is a thousand million feet above sea level . or rather , to her , its a thin silver lining that is half a cell thick . what does she get out of this relationship if it continues ? she is douptful , unsure , but still , she wishes to cling on , for at the end of that long and bumpy journey , appears to her as a smooth sailing ride . how promising is that . she holds on .

& I'm lovin' it


Tuesday, October 25, 2005
randoms >

chocolate fondue

& I'm lovin' it
